Friday, January 28, 2011


I am so excited to add yet another Provo Craft product to my nice machine line up!  I started with the baby Cricut then had to upgrade to an Expression. Then my loving bf got me the Gypsy for Christmas. As if that wasn't enough, today I won, on ebay, a brand new Yudu machine.  I was crossing my fingers that my bid was high enough and sure enough by the end, it was mine!  Now I'm just waiting for it to ship and get to me so I can start doing a little screen printing!
In preparation for the big day, I've been watching as many youtube videos on the Yudu as I can find time for. Everyone makes it look really easy and fun, I'm hoping it is just that. Hopefully I will have a few projects up to share and hopefully they inspires some new crafts and ideas for others!
With so many projects in mind for this machine, I just can't wait for it to get here.  Once it does, we're going to Create like Crazy!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jenn's Vday wreath

I absolutely love this idea!  It's not mine, it's my cousin Jenn's.  Super cute and fun, she made a wreath of hearts.  She gave this to me when I moved out for my first Vday in my new apartment but I kept it up all year long. It makes me happy to see it not only because it's so cute and creative but because it reminds me of Jenn. Love ya Jenn and Create like Crazy!

Bella's bday sign

I love making signs!  This one I made for a friend at work who's baby is turning 1 in February. The theme for the party is cupcakes, dark pink, light pink and green. So here's what I came up with. 
Hopefully the sign will go well with the party!  
Create like Crazy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crafty day!!!

Moving out was a huge deal for me. I got to move in with the man I love but in doing so, I moved further away from my family who I love and hung out with. I missed our crafting days, staying up till the wee hours of the night just making cards, conversing, etc. Thankfully God loves me and where one crafting door moved a little further away, he opened a new one closer to me! Michelle moved into town!
Michelle has been a family friend since my brother started Jr. High School. She got me my first job and even introduced me to my man. Since she has moved closer to me we have gone out to eat, get dessert, tea, get massages and have spent hours chit chatting and crafting! I absolutely love the time that we spend together!
We are both very into card making, shimmery paper, bling and our CRICUT! We exchange tips, good cartridge buys, websites, ideas and give each other advise. These were the two cards we came up with on our crafty day! I can't wait to have another so we can Create like Crazy!

Both cards were made with Simply Charmed for the Cricut. "Thank you" was from Alphalicious.

Cake Pops


This last summer Michael's offered their cake classes at 1/2 off! I was excited! Myfriend moved around the corner from me and we were ready to make cakes! Well during my very last cake class I asked my teacher what she did with the left over cake (I usually ate it, heheh). She said she made cake pops with them! Immediately I looked it up on the internet. They looked easy enough to make but I wasn't sold.

This Christmas my bf's sister in law had a cake pop book! I had to read it! As I was looking through the gorgeous pictures filled with creativity, I realized, this isn't hard to do! I had to try it! So here we go, these are my cake pops! (The book is by Bakerella)

Step 1: bake the cake! (These are red velvet)
Step 2: cool the cake in the fridge

Step3: crumble the cake into pieces (fun part!!!)

Step 4: add about 2/3 of the container of frosting to the crumbled cake, mix well (I used cream cheese frosting)

Step 5: roll cake into little cake balls. I used the martha cookie scoop to make them even in size. (Red velvet makes your hands red! I was caught red handed!)

Step 6: refrigerate for an hour.

Step 7: melt your chocolate. The Wilton chocolate melted worked the best for me!

Step 8: dip the lolipop stick into the chocolate and insert into cake ball

Step 9: dip cake ball into chocolate
(make sure that you have everything ready when you melt your chocolate. the chocolate cools quickly and once it's cool the only way to add decor is with a piping bag and some more melted chocolate.)

Step 10 decorate

Step 11: let cool (have your styrofoam board ready to go!)

Step 12: package or EAT! (They fit nicely into cupcake boxes alternating right side up and upside down).

So have some fun and cover it in chocolate and don't forget to Create like Crazy!

Tissue paper pom poms


I have seen these tissue paper pom poms all over! In weddings, at parties, and every time I see them, I always think they're gorgeous! I have been wanting to try to make them since in all the youtube videos people make them look so easy! I love easy to do projects that look great and make people smile. So I tried it! If you like them, try it! This was a fun project and took very little time!
I started with 12 pieces of tissue paper. I have see online that some people use 10 sheets and some people u
se more than 12. I think 12 was the perfect amount for my pom pom ball. I stacked all 12 pieces on top of each other and made sure that they lined up nicely.

Then starting from the short end, with the longer edge on the side, i started folding the tissue paper back and forth, back and forth until i got to the other end. the folds were about 1 1/2 inches.

Find the center of the tissue paper and tie a string around it to hold the folds in place. If you make this string long enough you can use it to later hang the ball from the ceiling. :)

Once all of the folds were done and the ribbon has been tied, I used a huge scissor and cut the ends. Now I've seen some people cut rounded edges, some cut pointed edges, it all depends on what you like. I wanted the spikey look, so I cut them pointed.

Now is the fun part! Pull the tissue
paper in toward the center. Since we folded the paper back and forth before we tied it, the paper will have a ruffled effect! Pull the tissue paper gently because tissue paper is very thin and tears easily (trust me, I tore one! Oops!)
Since I used 12 sheets, i pulled 6 towards the top and 6 to the bottom.

After you pull all of your tissue, it's time to FLUFF the ball! You do this as if you were trying to spike your hair! Just use your hands and gently fluff. Make sure there are no holes or huge gaps.You did it! Now go and Create like Crazy!