Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Finley!

My cousin in law Tracey is pregnant with her first baby!  I am so excited for Mark & Tracey! We found out a few months ago and ever since Jenn & I have been excited to throw this baby shower for Finley! 
Even though the shower is not until the end of the year, I couldn't resist making a sign!!!

F is for fish!

I is for Iguana!

N is for narwhal.  
This letter is tough unless you go with Nanny Goat or something. Amazingly Cricut thinks of everything and sure enough there was an animal on Zoobaloo for N! :) This letter is pushing me to write the name of the animal on the sign somewhere just so they know what it is!

L is for Lion! grrrr

E is for Elephant! (Go Titans!!!)

Y is for Yak!

These were made using Accent Essentials for the sun burst, Disney Font for the letters, Zoobaloo and Create a Critter for the animals.
So go out there and Create like Crazy!!!